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Dispatch, Pickup and Delivery 

Dispatch, Pickup & Delivery


Here's a test for you:


  1. Have you stopped using a whiteboard for scheduling deliveries?

  2. Can your drivers view their route and pickup information from their mobile phone? 

  3. Can you send an updated route to a driver during the middle of his route? 

  4. Are you able to schedule multiple trucks against a single, large order?  

  5. Can your rental software provide these capabilities as for you at no extra cost?


The more you said "No" to these questions, the more you need to come look at DynaRent and start thinking about replacing your old software.   


Consolidate Your Dispatching and Cut Overhead

If you run multiple rental yards, you understand that dispatching adds to the organization's overhead.  And, if you have not already done so, you'll want to bring all of that dispatching into one department at a single location. In order to do this, you need capabilities that reach beyond the dispatcher's office and extend out to the entire fleet.  DynaRent can do this with the push of a button.  Let us show you how to schedule everything, balance the loads and empower the drivers.

Screenshot of DynaRent's dispactch overview.

How can we help you?

Thanks for your feedback!

1801 Parkcourt Place, Suite E204
Santa Ana, California 92701

Phone: 714-664-8887

© 2020 by Newport Consulting

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